Guidelines for applicants

  • Application Process: Interested individuals must submit an application detailing their interest in attending our exclusive events. Provide information about your style, preferences, and reasons for wanting to be part of the gathering.
  • Screening Process: All applications will undergo a screening process to ensure that selected attendees align with the desired quality and aesthetic of the event. Only those who meet the criteria will be invited to participate.
  • Behavior Expectations: Attendees are expected to conduct themselves with sophistication and respect throughout the event. Interaction with other guests should be courteous and in line with the upscale nature of the gathering.
  • Event Details: Once selected, attendees will receive detailed information about the event, including location, schedule, and any specific guidelines or requirements to follow during the gathering.
  • Dress Code: All attendees must adhere to a formal dress code to maintain the upscale atmosphere of the event. Quality-looking attire is required for both couples and singles.
  • Enjoyment and Networking: The event aims to provide a platform for quality-looking couples and singles to enjoy a luxurious experience and connect with like-minded individuals. Embrace the opportunity to socialize and create lasting connections at the exclusive event.
Registration Form